I was reminded twice this past week that there is really no difference between the sacred and the secular.

as a handyman,
I was called into a home to deal with a mold problem. Somewhere in my
conversation with the home owner I mentioned that the Bible gives
detailed instruction on how to deal with mold (leprous disease) in a
home (see Leviticus 14:33-57). Knowing that I previously pastored a
church in our community, she said to me, “Then you are still doing God’s
work.” I smiled and said, “Yes!” She then commented that I probably
was able to help just as many or even more people as a Christian
handyman than a pastor. I find this true. While I am not in the
pulpit much anymore, I am able to help people with their physical needs
that often leads to helping them spiritually by giving Bible counsel and
praying together. If we are to do as common a thing as eat for the
glory of God, then we certainly can do our work for the glory of God (I
Corinthians 10:31).
Second, I finished reading
The Pursuit of God, by A. W. Tozer. The last chapter,
The Sacrament of Living, begins with this statement:
One of the greatest hindrances to internal
peace which the Christian encounters is the common habit of dividing
our lives into two areas, the sacred and the secular.
The whole chapter was a rebuke and help. I highly recommend that you read this Christian classic.
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